- Nintendo and Disney's first partnership was in the 1950s for playing cards
- The video game crash of 1983 led to a *97%* reduction in revenue for the industry
- The Swiss national bank lost 17% of GDP in 2022 due to decrease in value of investment assets src
- Weimar Germany had a fighter school in the Soviet Union to attempt to evade the versailles treaty src
- the head of the catholic branch of the hohenzollern dynasty is saxophonist in a band called "Royal Groovin'"
- The whole story of the Bnei Menashe, which is slightly too long to explain here. Ask me in person and I will explain.
- Foundations for wind turbine construction use ~5% of US concrete. (This one is synthesis, so I'm not totally sure)
- 10% of scottish men fought as mercenaries in the 30 years war, a war Scotland was not involved in
- The US has a ~22% solar capacity factor (average utilization of panels) vs ~11% for China, Germany, Japan, etc.
- Lithium-ion battery capacity (in MW) will surpass pumped-hydro capacity this year.
- 80% of battery revenue in ERCOT is from "ancillary services" (grid stabilization services), with only 20% coming from energy storage.
- the US is the second largest spanish-speaking country
- The largest library in Europe in 700AD had about 100 books (18:20 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5OFmQ-cQJ0&list=PL77A337915A76F660&index=20)
- Pachinko was about as big as restaurants in Japan (in 2019)
- "By the 1530s, the writings of Erasmus accounted for 10 to 20 percent of all book sales in Europe"
- In South Korea, truth is not a defense to defamation. If you say something true that harms someone's reputation, it can be punished by up to two years in jail. This is apparently following the German system.
- The phrase "intoxicating liquor" in the 18th amendment was widely understood to exclude beer and wine (as they are not distilled), and their inclusion in Prohibition surprised many in the general public as well as producers of wine and beer.
- The second amendment to the Pakistani constitution says the the Ahmaddiya (the Mormons of Islam) are not muslims and not allowed to call themselves muslims (and then they did a lot of discrimination).
- About 8% of adult men in England in 1500 were monks. (TODO: factcheck)
- We have approximately 1,000,000 cuneiform tablets left from Sumerian times
- The Epic of Gilgamesh was lost for more than 2000 years before its rediscovery in 1900.
- By 1640 approximately 40% of English workers were non-agricultural. India reached this mark around 2000.
- Approximately 1% of adult male deaths in 1500s England were executions.
- India participated at the 1920 olympics, before it was a country
- Egypt was ruled by foreigners ~continuously from 322BC to 1922AD
- 10 US states explicitly allow dead people to vote: if you cast an early vote and die before the election, your vote counts
- The king of Great Britain was an elector in the Holy Roman Empire between 1714 and 1806.
- South Africa has more unemployed people than the US, even though the US has a population 6x larger.
- The island of Iwo Jima is now 50% larger than it was during the second world war.
- Punch is so named because it has पाँच (5) ingredients
- One third of German military casualties during WW2 were in 1945
- Dairy cows in the US produce 60lbs of milk per day on average, ~3.5% of their body weight
- Dominicans playing in the MLB receive salaries equivalent to ~0.5% of Dominican GDP
- one in five americans don't remember the obama administration
- India has a list of ethnic groups it considers addicted to crime (this is fairly true but quite hard to track down the degree to which they currently do)
- The United States briefly recognized a German Federation during the revolution of 1848