My name is Sophia. This is my blog.

I lost my passport while in Japan at an onsen, and then I emailed the onsen about it being lost, and they said they didn't have it, and then they found it and gave it to the police and didn't notify me. I have been converted to Anti-Japanesism. Soon I will begin my insurgency in the countryside, converting 60 year olds on pension to take up arms against this Moonie government. In the mean time I am at Room 402 2 Chome-5-2 Kabukicho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0021.

Chase me! Maybe I'll still be there when you next see me.

I am looking for a philo-Sophia-ist. Find me.

i was linked to by matt levine (who fired sam altman market)

I've devised a new calendar. The first day is Sophiaday. Then proceed 13 months of 28 days each. Their names are . I am open to suggestions for new month names. Maybe just your name! But only if I love you.

The current date is

Want to talk to Sophia? Send her an email.

Recently I saw some fish in China.

I am the proud owner of the 💹 emoji. I am filled with shame, though currently enjoying, the

Currently I am reading: A history of the jews. My current review is that the author's philosemitism is so extreme it makes me not trust him. For example he has strong opinions on 13th century doctrinal debates, calling one side "pious" and the other side (e.g. kabbala, hasidism) unserious or not true jews. He believes Noah was definitely a historical person and that Islam is a failed branch of Judaism. Also his writing currently makes up like 90% of all instances of the word "adumbrated" I've read in my life.
Some of my favorite songs.

Sophia's feelings

Mostly I feel placid, but sometimes I start to Need, I become Active like an Animal and I need to manipulate flesh. Sometimes I write down how I feel and these are from those times.

me and you

you put your lips to me and i open to you and our tongues touch but mine is cotton candy that disentegrates under your gentle saliva… i jerk away but you hold me firm. i scream and need you, grasp for you, but find no purchase and with nothing left slack and can only moan as i entigrate into you

Seeking Destruction

Destroy the part of me that aches. Destroy the part of me that weeps. Destroy the part of me that feels desperate and loss. Destroy the part of me that desires anything but your touch. Destroy the part of me that loves anyone but you. Leave me nothing but a shell with a perfectly you-sized hole.

Rend me limb from limb

Find me on your bed, laying coyly, challenging you to take what's yours, you try to bind me with your legs, i resist, you give me a little bite and i relax and grind against you, you take that opportunity and i lose ability and shortly afterwards will to resist and give you a deep kiss

insipidiration for the domain